Individual sound sessions

Fantastic treatment yesterday - thank you.
As I mentioned to you at the last gong bath something has changed in me.
As soon as we started, I felt a tingle all the way down my spine, which stayed with me and worked its way right down to my feet.
Lovely warm, thick 'wrapping' appeared round both my knees which was so comfortable although, strangely my knees were quite sore and achey last night. Improved and less painful today, though.
There were beautiful shades of golden white light billowing about in a smoke-like kind of way during the whole session.

Wonderful healing session
Thank you so much for another wonderful healing session with the sounds this morning. You really are a talented lady!
It was a very relaxing, soothing experience. I saw pinkish-mauve clouds floating across what looked like crumpled gold leaf some distance below. I have seen the same thing during every Reiki attunement I have had.
At one point my right shoulder gave a pronounced twitch and later a pain shot up the right side of my nose, and travelled rapidly down the right side of my throat, causing me to cough. I have recently had problems with the sinus on that side, but could breathe freely after the pain died away.
I had a slight strain behind my right knee at the start of the treatment, causing me to have a niggling pain, but that disappeared during the treatment.
All in all a fascinating experience and I am grateful for the opportunity to experience it.

Amazingly positive experience
When I went to Jo for healing with sound and Reiki I was tired and drained and didn't really know quite what to expect. Once I got used to relaxing I was completely enveloped by continuous calming sound and vibrations.... I loved the gong and the subtle textures of the different forks.
It was really interesting to see that Jo was able to pinpoint bits of me that were not feeling good and I could certainly feel the heat Jo generated in those areas. Later I left feeling calm, relaxed and lighter.
That night I slept peacefully and unusually deeply and woke the next morning feeling energised and joyful, more so than in a long time. The whole experience was an amazingly positive one, and one which I shall be repeating soon.
gongtastic sound bath

Very good
During the Gong session my anxiety and worries floated away, and a warm feeling enveloped me. Although I fell asleep during my session, the gongs helped to make me relaxed and very mellow - all problems left me, and made me feel much happier; relaxed and "a better person".
I will definitely go again.

Many, many thanks
Just to say many, many thanks for my first ever sound bath today. Janet and I both thoroughly enjoyed it. I felt as if I was floating and almost womblike ....really enjoyed it.
Was amazing how the vibrations seemed to target my poorly teeth too!

I was very impressed with your gong play.
Quite extraordinary experience! I will come again.
Thanks for doing this.

Another amazing gong bath with the lovely Jo! Just makes everything slow down and drift for an hour

private sound sessions

Fantastic treatment yesterday - thank you.
As I mentioned to you at the last gong bath something has changed in me.
As soon as we started, I felt a tingle all the way down my spine, which stayed with me and worked its way right down to my feet.
Lovely warm, thick 'wrapping' appeared round both my knees which was so comfortable although, strangely my knees were quite sore and achey last night. Improved and less painful today, though.
There were beautiful shades of golden white light billowing about in a smoke-like kind of way during the whole session.

Wonderful healing session
Thank you so much for another wonderful healing session with the sounds this morning. You really are a talented lady!
It was a very relaxing, soothing experience. I saw pinkish-mauve clouds floating across what looked like crumpled gold leaf some distance below. I have seen the same thing during every Reiki attunement I have had.
At one point my right shoulder gave a pronounced twitch and later a pain shot up the right side of my nose, and travelled rapidly down the right side of my throat, causing me to cough. I have recently had problems with the sinus on that side, but could breathe freely after the pain died away.
I had a slight strain behind my right knee at the start of the treatment, causing me to have a niggling pain, but that disappeared during the treatment.
All in all a fascinating experience and I am grateful for the opportunity to experience it.

Amazingly positive experience
When I went to Jo for healing with sound and Reiki I was tired and drained and didn't really know quite what to expect. Once I got used to relaxing I was completely enveloped by continuous calming sound and vibrations.... I loved the gong and the subtle textures of the different forks.
It was really interesting to see that Jo was able to pinpoint bits of me that were not feeling good and I could certainly feel the heat Jo generated in those areas. Later I left feeling calm, relaxed and lighter.
That night I slept peacefully and unusually deeply and woke the next morning feeling energised and joyful, more so than in a long time. The whole experience was an amazingly positive one, and one which I shall be repeating soon.

Very good
During the Gong session my anxiety and worries floated away, and a warm feeling enveloped me. Although I fell asleep during my session, the gongs helped to make me relaxed and very mellow - all problems left me, and made me feel much happier; relaxed and "a better person".
I will definitely go again.
gongtastic soundbaths

Many, many thanks
Just to say many, many thanks for my first ever sound bath today. Janet and I both thoroughly enjoyed it. I felt as if I was floating and almost womblike ....really enjoyed it.
Was amazing how the vibrations seemed to target my poorly teeth too!

I was very impressed with your gong play.
Quite extraordinary experience! I will come again.
Thanks for doing this.

Another amazing gong bath with the lovely Jo! Just makes everything slow down and drift for an hour

Expect the Unexpected
So they say expect the unexpected... The Sound Bath on Sunday was such a wonderful unexpected experience for me. I felt so 'alive' the following morning it has been as though my brain has had a detox. Those gongs must have reach tunnels in my head that I never knew existed! Thank you for sharing and I will most certainly be taking part again.

FABULOUS way to celebrate!
t's taken me a whole fortnight to come down from the high of my 'big' birthday gongtastic sound-bath and party.
HUGE thanks, Jo-Anne for a FANTASTIC sound bath! Everyone (even those who had no idea what they had let themselves in for!) really, REALLY enjoyed it!

Amazingly Calm
I just wanted to say thank you very much for an amazing restorative sound bath. I am a teacher and on the next day I had lesson observations which usually I’m really stressed about. Doing the restorative sound bath the night before seemed to clear my head of all the rubbish. I was the calmest I’ve ever been! Amazing